IEL’s Centers in Action

IEL’s work applies multiple strategies, typically undergirded by networks and coalitions. In each instance we seek to develop leaders who can work across boundaries to formulate effective policy, implement durable change in education and related systems, and embed — in and across these systems — the capacity for continuous improvement.

Our work unfolds under the auspices of three centers:

Center for Workforce Development

group of teenaged girls sitting at a school tableFor two decades, the Center has helped public and private sector leaders promote career readiness and successful transitions to adulthood for all youth (with a special focus on youth with disabilities and other disconnected youth) by increasing the capacity of and connections among all stakeholders in the workforce development system. The Center accomplishes its mission:

  • By developing action guides, such as the Guideposts for Success, to facilitate the transition of youth, particularly those with disabilities, to adulthood. These have informed policy and practice at the national, state and agency levels;
  • Through consulting, as with the HSC Foundation in the development of their National Youth Transition Center, which is being designed around the Guideposts for Success; and
  • By designing and implementing innovative programs, like the Ready to Achieve Mentoring Program (RAMP), a national model of career-focused mentoring for youth with disabilities that is demonstrating success in 12 sites across the country.

More about the Center for Workforce Development.

Center for Family, School and Community

group of young school children smiling for the cameraFor nearly 15 years, the Center has assisted schools, communities and other key stakeholders in building intentional partnerships that achieve better results for every young person, from early childhood to adulthood. The Center accomplishes its mission:

  • By supporting the development of and guiding the Coalition for Community Schools, a nationwide alliance of over 160 national, state and local organizations dedicated to bringing schools and communities together to make schools the center of community life and learning;
  • Through the organization and leadership of a learning and action network of local communities that are moving successful community schools models to scale; and
  • By informing the direction of public policy and contributing to the development of policies that connect schools to their communities.

More about the Center for Family, School and Community.

Center for Leadership and Policy

four professional adults standing side by sideOver its nearly 50-year history, the Center has developed and supported leaders as they enhance their capacity to work across institutional boundaries, increase their professional and policy knowledge and expand their networks. The Center accomplishes its mission:

  • By preparing more than 7,000 mid-career leaders nationwide through the Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFPTM), a 10-month in-service professional development program, currently operating in 11 states and the District of Columbia;
  • Through Community Learning Exchanges, which build a network of community-based leadership programs seeking to bring the voices of youth, families and residents into local decision making processes; and
  • By conducting Federal Policy Institutes – week-long, intensive exposure to federal policy experts for emerging and established leaders in education.

More about the Center for Leadership and Policy .
