
IEL is a nonpartisan organization that seeks to improve educational opportunities and results for children, youth and families by developing and supporting leaders who work together. Through a national publications program, IEL disseminates information about trends and issues.

The following are some of the most requested publications that are available from the Institute for Educational Leadership. For more information on how to receive copies, please e-mail or call (202) 822-8405.

Publications By Programs

Center for Workforce Development

Guideposts for Success

The transition from youth to adulthood is challenging for almost every young person. This is particularly true for young people with disabilities. Yet, it is in those crucial transition-age years that a young person's future can be determined. Part of a successful future includes finding and keeping work. The total employment rate is projected to increase by 15% in the first decade of the twenty-first century. Employment in occupations that generally require a college degree or other postsecondary credential is projected to grow much faster than other jobs across all occupations. Jobs requiring work-related training will still account for the majority of the new positions.

Making the Right Turn: A Guide About Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System

This Guide provides professionals with well-researched and documented facts, offers evidence-based research, highlights promising practices, and provides the Guideposts for Success for Youth Involved in the Juvenile Corrections System, in addition to pointing out areas requiring further attention by policymakers and identifying promising practices.

The 411 on Disability Disclosure: A Workbook for Youth with Disabilities

This guide is designed for youth and adults working with them to learn about disability disclosure. This workbook helps young people make informed decisions about whether or not to disclose their disability and understand how that decision may impact their education, employment, and social lives.

Tunnels and Cliffs: A Guide for Workforce Development Professionals and Policymakers serving Youth with Mental Health Needs

This guide provides practical information and resources for youth service professionals and policymakers, from the program to the state level, with information to help them address system and policy obstacles in order to improve service delivery systems for youth with mental health needs. The guide provides the Guideposts for Success for Youth with Mental Health Needs which includes all the elements of the original Guideposts as well as additional specific needs relating to youth with mental health needs.

Paving the Way to Work: A Guide to Career-Focused Mentoring

Mentoring is recognized as one of the most important strategies for assisting youth in making a positive transition into adulthood. Despite all of the information available on mentoring, there is very little about mentoring youth with disabilities or about career-focused mentoring of older youth. This Guide was developed by the National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) specifically to address the needs of youth with disabilities during their transition from school to work.

Read more publications by the Center for Workforce Development…


Coalition for Community Schools

Community Schools Evaluation Toolkit

This Evaluation Toolkit is intended to help with that data collection and analysis. It is driven by a results framework, and offers a step-by-step explanation of evaluation approach and a menu of data collection instruments. Additionally, examples from local evaluations are included. As always the Coalition invites your comments and feedback as we seek to develop tools that support the growth and development of community schools across the nation.

Financing Community Schools - Full Report

Executive Summary

This report looks at how community schools finance their work. It describes the resources, partnerships, and activities community schools generate with the dollars they have; where monies come from; and the mechanisms community schools use to leverage additional funding and build their capacity to achieve agreed upon results. The report draws on survey results and case studies from a sample of experienced community schools--both individual sites as well as district-sponsored initiatives.

Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships

Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships: The Community Schools Strategy builds on both practice and research to describe the what, why, and how of system-wide expansion of community schools. The guide is written for a wide audience and for communities at different points in planning for, implementing, and sustaining a community schools strategy.

Print Version of Scaling Up School and Community Partnerships

Community Schools: Promoting Student Success – A Rationale and Results Framework

This document outlines a rationale for the community school as a primary vehicle for increasing student success and strengthening families and community. It also defines specific results that community schools seek—both in terms of how they function and in relationship to the well being of students, families and communities.

Community Schools Across the Nation: A Sampling of Local Initiatives and National Models

Community schools are alive and growing, serving millions of students across the nation. Today, there are a number of national models and local initiatives that create their own flavor of community school. This brief provides an over­view of leading initiatives. This brief highlights both local and national models.

High Schools as Community Schools

The Coalition for Community Schools in partnership with the National Association for Secondary School Principals reviewed 8 community schools (Bronx, NY; Chicago, IL; Cincinnati, OH; Indianapolis, IN; Philadelphia, PA; Portland, OR; and Tukwila, WA) to learn their effects on graduation and drop-out rates. They found rising graduation and college going rates and a decrease in drop-out rates. The report also finds that community schools strengths lie in their local communities.  Learn more about these schools are succeeding..

Community Schools Research Report 2009

In the last decade, community school initiatives have spread to localities in 49 states and the District of Columbia. The concept of community school is growing in part because it represents a vehicle for aligning the assets of students, families, teachers, and the community around a common goal—improving the success of our young people. Community schools purposefully integrate academic, health, and social services; youth and community development; and community engagement—drawing in school partners with resources to improve student and adult learning, strengthen families, and promote healthy communities.

Read more publications from the Coalition for Community Schools


Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP™)

The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) is indebted to Lumina Foundation for Education for supporting a study of the Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP). We are pleased to share what we learned from our research through three publications in IEL’s Leadership Matters series.

Preparing Cross-Boundary Leaders: By Design

This report, Preparing Cross-Boundary Leaders: By Design, identifies six program elements necessary to successful cross-boundary leadership development programs and translates what IEL learned into ideas for improvement to inform the work of leadership program staff.

Preparing Cross-Boundary Leaders: For Education

This report, Preparing Cross-Boundary Leaders: For Education, summarizes the findings from a survey of EPFP alumni, the centerpiece of the EPFP study. It translates what IEL learned into ideas for improvement to inform the work of policy makers—the individuals whose decisions have an impact on leadership development and related capacity-building efforts.

Preparing Cross-Boundary Leaders: EPFP in Action

This report, Preparing Cross-Boundary Leaders: EPFP in Action, provides a picture of four EPFP programs and documents how they adapt EPFP to their states’ policy environment.

Thinking and Learning About Leader and Leadership Development

This report, Thinking and Learning About Leader and Leadership Development, documents what IEL learned about leadership development through a review of relevant literature – what it is, how it is conducted, and how it is evaluated.   
